Wednesday 29 February 2012

HSS Activity 6 - The Holocaust

1. The Holocaust was the state-sponsored systematic execution of European jews by Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945. By 1945 two thirds of the jews had been killed. Jews were the primary victim targets but there were other victims from other races that didn't meet the requirements to be part of the "aryan race".

2. Nazi's believed that Germans were "racially superior" and that other races were a biological threat to the purity of the "aryan race" and therefore persecuted. The Nazi's blamed the jews for Germanys defeat in WW I and they also blamed jews for the economic crysis.

3. In the late 1930's the Nazi's killed thousands of handicapped Germans in a number different ways, like giving them lethal injections, gassing them with poisonous gas and shooting massive numbers of jews and gypsies in open fields and ravines. Six extermination chambers were built in Poland where mass-murder by gas and body disposal by cremation were regularly done.

4. The United States and Great Brittain as well as other nations outside of Nazi Germany recieved many press reports durning the time of the Holocaust about the persecution of the jews. By the end of 1939 the governments of the United States and Great Brittain found about the reports on "The final solution", Germanys objective to kill all the jews of Europe. In 1944 The United States and Great Brittain decided to react by defeating Germany in WW II.

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