Wednesday 25 January 2012

Homework activity 1

1. Explain what you understand the concept "development" means
The word development refers to a stage of growth in the economy or advancement.
2. List FIVE indicators that can be used to measure the level of development of countries
Investments, health care, GDP (Gross domestic product), Demographic situation, crime and security stats, the strength of the currency and the stability of the government.
3. In a table, compare the characteristics of a "developed" and "less-developed" countries.

Less Developed Countries
Developed Countries
Low health care
Good quality health care
High inflation
Low or moderate inflation
High crime
Less crime
Normally high birth rate
Lower birth rate

4. When using economy of countries to compare the level of development we can also refer to these countries as a "LEDC" and "MEDC". Explain these two abbreviations.
LEDC means less economically developed countries and MEDC mea ns more economically developed countries.
5. Explain why it is better to use the Human Development Index (HDI) to classify countries as developed or   less-developed.
It is better because it compares things like life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide.
5. By studying Figure 1 and Figure 2 answer the following questions.
5.1. Is there a correlation between the countries in Figure 1 and Figure 2?
There is some correlation.
5.2. Give a possible reason for this.
Lower life expectancy is the norm if the country has one of the lower HDI rankings in the whole of Africa because there is obviously not enough money to treat most of the females in countries with the lowest female life expectancy at birth.
5.3. Give THREE possible reasons for the countries listed in Figure 2 to have a lows ranking.
Corruption causing lack of funds in health/welfare sector, Angola and Mozambique have had civil wars for long periods, causing complete breakdown of the economy, world ecomical crisis meaning countries cannot export resources as easily. 5.4. Most people in these countries live as subsistance farmers. What is subsistance farming?
Subsistance farming is when people grow their own food and they keep it for themselves and they don’t sell it.5.5. What are the greatest needs for people in subsistance communities in order to "develop"?
The greatest needs will be financial input and knowledge.
6. Explain the concept "sustainable development"
Sustainable development is development that uses natural resources in a way that doesn’t use them up or damage the environment.
7. In order for countries to develop sustainably the UN has identified 8 Millenium Goals. List these goals.
Goal 1: End extreme poverty and hunger.
Goal 2: Give primary education to all children.
Goal 3: Promote equality between men and woman, and empower woman.
Goal 4: Reduce child mortality.
Goal 5: Improve the health of pregnant mothers.
Goal 6: Fight HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
Goal 7: Make sure the environment is used in a sustainable way.
Goal 8: Encourage partnerships between governments, businesses and other organisations to work together for development.

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